Protodynamix - Das Unternehmen


About us

Protodynamix GmbH

Protodynamix GmbH was founded by Rolf Leuenberger and Sascha Faath in 2013.

In the past few years Protodynamix GmbH has built a very good reputation as a service provider for prototype and small-series production. The company is well known for the fast and high quality production of models, prototypes, tools and end products from the laser-sintering material PDX.


Company strategy

Constant improvement of the production processes, exclusive services, the lowest reaction and lead times on the market and a lean and powerful team are the decisive factors for the strategic orientation of Protodynamix GmbH.

Protodynamix attaches great importance to personal contact with its customers. From our point of view, the perfect solutions can be worked out faster and more efficiently than by filling out an online inquiry form.


Manufacturing capacities

Protodynamix GmbH relies on laser sintering systems from 3DSystems. We currently have the following production systems in use:

  • 5x 3DSystems SPro 140 (build envelope 500x500x450mm)

  • 7x 3DSystems SPro 230 (build envelope 500x500x750mm)

  • 2x 3DSystems ProX500 (build envelope 320x260x450mm)


Confidentiality / Prototype Security

The top priority in our work environment is the confidentiality of personal data and customer projects from third parties.

All rooms are secured by an electronic access- and alarm system. Confidentiality obligations are concluded for every necessary stay in the workshops (e.g. service and maintenance work).

Customers and interested parties only get accompanied access in the areas in which no customer projects are visible. We meet the requirements of the VDA regarding prototype protection in the automotive industry.

Written confidentiality obligations exist with all employees.

Partner companies that receive inquiries or orders from Protodynamix GmbH in the course of project processing are also subject to this strict confidentiality.


Protodynamix History


Foundation of Protodynamix GmbH


Start of production in Rüti, Switzerland with 2 SLS SPro 140 systems


Additional SLS system Spro 230


Relocation to new premises in Wetzikon, Switzerland
2 additional SLS system Spro 230


Expansion of production to a total of 8 SLS systems
ProX 500 SLS system for material development


Introduction of the material PPFlex
Expansion of workshop capacities
Expansion of the QA department


Introduction of the material TPU
Expansion of the production area


Additional SLS system Spro 230 for the material PPFleX


Automation of powder handling for improved process quality



Expansion of production capacity to a total of 14 SLS systems



Related topics: Services, News